Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles starring Megan Fox, Alan Ritchson, Pete Ploszek, and Johnny Knoxville (directed by Michael Bay) is reviewed by Ben Mankiewicz (host of Turner Classic Movies), Matt Atchity (Editor-in-chief Rottentomatoes.com), Alonso Duralde (The Wrap and Linoleum Knife podcast) and Christy Lemire (www.ChristieLemire.com).
The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 6 “Guest” Review
HBO’s ‘The Leftovers’ – Guest (S1E6) is reviewed. This show feels “bigger” in this episode, with raised stakes– but does that make for a better episode? The theme of prophets and frauds is explored– but is there a new conspiracy building?
The Strain Season 1 Episode 4 “It’s Not For Everyone” Review
The Strain on FX, S1E4 “it’s Not For Everyone” is reviewed. Has the show finally gotten awesome? We reach a storytelling point beyond exposition, as (more) grotesque events unfold.
Masters Of Sex Season 2 Episode 4 “Dirty Jobs” Review
Showtime’s ‘Masters Of Sex’ – Dirty Jobs (S2E4) is reviewed. Masters and Johnson struggle with each other in their working and personal relationships, and someone gets punched in the face! The difficulty of womens’ and minority treatment in the 50s comes into play.
Guardians of the Galaxy (Starring Chris Pratt) Movie Review
Guardians of the Galaxy starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, David Bautista, and Bradley Cooper is reviewed by Matt Atchity (Editor-in-chief Rottentomatoes.com), Alonso Duralde (The Wrap and Linoleum Knife podcast) and Christy Lemire (www.ChristieLemire.com).
Get On Up (Starring Chadwick Boseman) Movie Review
Get On Up starring Chadwick Boseman, Viola Davis, and Octavia Spencer is reviewed by Matt Atchity (Editor-in-chief Rottentomatoes.com), Alonso Duralde (The Wrap and Linoleum Knife podcast) and Christy Lemire (www.ChristieLemire.com).
The Strain Season 1 Episode 3 “Gone Smooth” Review
The Strain on FX, S1E3 “Gone Smooth” is reviewed. A scary and disgusting side-effect of this show’s vampirism is revealed, as people who are obviously dying are trying to cover it up. Is the vampire element the best or worst part of the show? What about the child custody struggle?