Imagine turning your birth control on and off with a remote. That could soon be a reality, thanks to Bill Gates and MIT startup MicroCHIPS. Find out exactly how this new form of birth control works, why it could be great for women, and when you might find it on the market.
Using The Oculus Rift To Enter Someone Else’s Body
Virtual reality takes on a whole new meaning in this Oculus Rift experiment that lets you experience life through the body of another human being. Find out more about how this art experiment lets you enter someone else’s body.
These Disney Princesses Will Creep You Out, For A Good Reason
Disney princesses are beaten up, bloody, and bruised in these images from political artist Saint Hoax. But don’t they belong in fairy tale land with happy ever afters? Not in this artistic campaign that’s focused on raising awareness. Find out more about Saint Hoax’s latest artistic statement, who it’s helping, and why he’s involving Jasmine, Ariel, and other Disney princesses.
This Is What Shaving Your Armpits Can Teach You About Life
When women stop shaving their armpits, and men start shaving everything, everyone learns a lot about societal norms. At least that’s the theory behind ASU professor Breanne Fahs’s extra credit assignment.
7 Ridiculous Things More Likely To Kill You Than A Shark
Steven Robles was attacked by a great white shark at Manhattan Beach Pier in Los Angeles, California — just hours before John Iadarola showed up to the very same beach! Watch to find out more about the shark attack, and what’s more likely to kill you than a great white.
Here’s How Sugar Addiction Really Affects Your Brain
If you are what you eat, then you might want to think twice before filling yourself with sugar. Learn how sugar activates brain’s reward system – a lot like a drug – and why sweets should be treated in moderation.
Bridesmaids “I’m Poor” Meme Goes Horribly Wrong
“Help me, I’m poor,” might be a hilarious line from Bridesmaids, but is it an appropriate tweet for the Education Department. FAFSA’s Twitter team thought so, and tweeted this “I’m Poor” meme than many found offensive. John and Sandra weigh in on whether the tweet was well-intentioned, and how offensive it really is.