Millennial women have plenty of financial problems, from student loan debt to a lasting pay gap and a rough economy. But they’re struggling with something on top of it all: millennial women aren’t saving for retirement.
Yellowstone is Melting! Will The Supervolcano Erupt?!
Yellowstone National Park has a big problem on its hands. The Park’s paved, asphalt roads are melting, blistering and sweating. It’s getting so bad they’ve actually had to limit visitor access.
Can You Guess What These Photos All Have in Common?
All of these amazing award winning photographs have one things in common. Can you guess what it is? Check out 10 of the most amazing photographs from this year’s (redacted) Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS), and find out who is taking home the 2014 title for Photographer of the Year.
5 Sex Myths Most People Totally Believe
We have it all wrong about sex — at least in these 5 areas. We always hear men have more wet dreams, women hit their sexual peak later in life, and men aren’t meant to be monogamous — but is all that really true? Maybe not! Find out the science behind the myths!
The Thing You’re Doing That’s Making You Miserable
Binge watching television series is even easier today thanks to Netflix, DVR, and On Demand. In fact, more people are binge watching than ever before. But is watching 14 hours straight of Game of Thrones or OITNB really in your best interest? Find out what the research has to say about what effect binge watching has on your happiness.
The Thing You’re Doing That’s Making You Miserable
Binge watching television series is even easier today thanks to Netflix, DVR, and On Demand. In fact, more people are binge watching than ever before.
12 Examples of How Mother Earth Is The Biggest Perv of All
Imagine getting stuck in a giant stone vagina, then having to call the fire department to come bail you out. That’s what happened to this American exchange student at the Tübingen University’s institute for microbiology and virology in southern Germany.