Boys don’t typically wear pink, but that could change thanks to one woman’s campaign against gender stereotypes. Find out how #FreeToWearPink is tackling gender norms for both boys and girls.
7 Beauty Standards That Challenge The Definition Of “Pretty”
Female beauty standards around the world don’t always mean pink lips and rosy cheeks. Check out these 7 worldly ideas of feminine beauty (like long necks, stretched out lips, and body scars) that will challenge your idea of what “pretty” really means.
Are You Getting Tricked By These Fitness Myths?
Diet and exercise can get complicated, especially with all the fitness myths out there. Here are some of the most common fitness myths people push on women, and that many women in turn believe.
What The Nazis And Looney Tunes Have In Common
Looney Tunes can be pretty violent, but did you know they also have something in common with Nazi Germany? The Looney Tunes took part in some serious World War II propaganda.
10 Insane Science Projects Our Tax Dollars Paid For
What if we told you your tax dollars are going toward a giant robot elephant? Would you believe us? Check out that and nine other insanely weird (and sometimes awesome) government science projects your tax dollars are funding.
The Color That Makes Women Jealous And Lowers Your IQ
Red is a powerful color, but what makes it so intriguing is that its effect is different in every situation. Red tends to turn men on, but it also lowers your IQ, makes you less likely to get a job, and makes women jealous.
What Would Happen If You Quit Facebook For 99 Days?
Is quitting Facebook the secret to being happier? The “99 Days of Freedom” campaign is encouraging people to quit their Facebook accounts for 99 days. They’re calling it a summer detox from social media.