Michael Brown’s autopsy found marijuana in his system, as did the autopsy of Trayvon Martin. With several events about both situations still unclear and very controversial, it begs the question: does marijuana lead to violent behavior?
Which Movies Will Be “Classics” 50 Years From Now?
Movie classics become our favorite films decades after they were made. But what separates the good films from the bad? Find out what gives a movie the lasting power to become a classic. John and Bree discuss which of today’s movies our grandkids will still be watching 50 years from now.
5 “Ugly” Things GUYS Love About GIRLS!
We’re “supposed” to think things like acne, crooked teeth, and other physical “flaws” are unattractive, but that isn’t always the case! Sometimes a person’s imperfections are actually what makes you love them the most.
Women In Bars Don’t Usually Surprise You…Until You Hear This
Who knew drinking used to be a civil rights issue? And we’re not just talking prohibition. Find out how ladies nights almost weren’t a thing, and why women in bars is more surprising than you think. Lisa explores the history of women in bars and how the bar culture continues to evolve today.
This Yo-Yo Champion Is Too Good To Be Real (Video)
Gentry Stein is the 2014 World Yo-Yo Champion, and his routine is pretty freaking amazing. Check out Stein’s performance from the 2014 championships in Prague, Czech Republic. Plus, John and Lissette discuss what it’s like to be dedicated to your talent.
Can Anything Save YouTube?
YouTube has changed a lot over the last 6 years, and Bree Essrig has been here almost since the beginning! Bree and John talk about what they love about YouTube, what they wish would have stayed the same, and what they hope will never change. Hear what they have to say!
Are Holograms The Future Of Entertainment and Politics?
From Michael Jackson to Tupac to CNN, seems like everyone is latching on to holograms. But is this just a fad that will fade as quickly as it appeared, or are holograms here to stay for a while? John and Bree discuss.