Miki Matteson is back to cohost TYT University with John this week. Find out what she’s been up to while she was away, plus hear more of her answers to your questions from Twitter and Facebook!
MIT’s Robot Cheetah Brings Judgment Day One Step Closer (WATCH)
Robotic technology is advancing quickly – so quickly, in fact, that it could run you over. Researchers at MIT have developed a robot cheetah that can run entirely on its own, without any cables or wires attached. What does this mean for the future of robotics?
Are Religious People More Moral Than Atheists?
Religion and morals often go hand-in-hand, at least in people’s minds. But religion doesn’t make people as moral as you might think, according to a new study. When people from all religions and political backgrounds are asked to record the “good” and “bad” deeds they commit, something very interesting happens.
These Models Wore No Makeup, And Were Absolutely Beautiful
Mark Jacobs’ models walked the runway wearing absolutely no makeup during his Spring 2015 Ready To Wear show. These designer models, including Kendall Jenner, were just as poised, stunning, and high-fashion as usual, even though they weren’t wearing makeup.
These Pictograms Show The Differences Between Men And Women
Men and women have different experiences, values, and views on life. But can they all be summed up in a few simple pictograms? Artist Yang Liu thinks so. Check out these graphics depicting this artist’s views on men and women.
Katie Sebas Answers Your Questions!
Katie Sebas, an intern at The Young Turks and a student at UCSB, is joining us all week on TYT University! Find out what Katie has to say about your questions from Twitter and Facebook!
3 Ways To Stop Feeling Like A Failure
Feeling like a failure happens to all of us at some point in our lives. But it’s important to push through those times and start to feel better. Check out these tips and strategies to help yourself feel proud and successful instead of like a failure.