Frozen pills filled with fecal matter may be the latest effective way to treat the often antibiotic resistant Clostridium difficile. A quarter million Americans are hospitalized due to Clostridium difficile, and suffer with terrible diarrhea, according to I Fucking Love Science.
Check Out This Hilarious Guide to the Philly Brothel Scene… From 1849?
Business reviews existed long before sites like Yelp and Angie’s List came into play. In the 1800s, there were even review pamphlets for brothels. Find out how the gentleman’s “Pocket Guide” played a part in the history of prostitution.
Addicted To Coffee? This Might Explain Why
Coffee addiction could be a family matter, according to new research from Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. In fact, it could all be in your genes. So what genetic factors might predetermine your addiction to caffeine?
7 Reasons Not To Be Terrified of Ebola!
The recent outbreak of Ebola started in Guinea during December 2013 and has spread to six countries, including the United States.Having a fear of the disease itself is legitimate.
The Real Reason Religious People Dislike Atheists?
Religious people often dislike atheists for a lot of reasons. But how much does distrust factor into the equation? A new study takes a look at religion and atheism around the world to find out how much people trust atheists.
7 Reasons Boring People Are Boring
Boring people are boring, that much is obvious. But what exactly is it that makes them so dull to be around? Here are 7 things boring people do to bore you, and how you can spice up your own conversations to make sure you’re not boring anyone else.
10 Questions to Ask To Get to Know Someone Better FAST!
How do you get to know someone as quickly as possible? How do you find out what a person is really like? We had TYTU viewers send in questions they ask to get to know someone, and we’ll be testing them out to help you get to know TYTUniversity’s newest assistant producer, Hannah Cranston! Find out what she has to say!