Women are often damaged by sexism, from economic inequality to physical abuse. But we don’t often talk about how sexism can hurt men, especially when it comes to an expectation to be “manly” or “macho.” Here are five unfair expectations of men that our society should stop perpetuating.
4 Ways Humans May Evolve In The Next Million Years
What will happen as the Earth changes, technology advances, and humanity continues to evolve? Will we get taller, get bigger eyes, and smaller brains? Here are 10 ways that humans will evolve in the future, thanks to our friends over at Alltime10s.
Here’s What The First Sex Act EVER Looked Like (VIDEO)
Did you know sex originated in an ancient Scottish lake? No? Well you’re in luck — the very first sex act on the planet is finally available for you to watch! Check out this digital recreation of the first animals to ever use sexual intercourse for internal insemination. These Microbrachius dicki (aka fish) are really getting down and dirty.
7 Ballot Initiatives That Are Worth Going to Vote For
Midterm elections are just around the corner. So what do Democrats and Republicans really have to offer the youth of the United States? And what ballot initiatives appeal to the younger vote?
Is Hatred The Most Violent Video Game Ever?
If murdering innocent people sounds like your idea of a good time, then Hatred is the game for you. From new developers under the name Destructive Creations, this is quickly being called the most offensive, violent game in history.
What Tasing Does To Your Brain Probably Won’t Shock You
If a Taser is strong enough to immobilize a person, it probably has some pretty negative side effects on your brain. In fact, a burst from a stun gun can seriously jumble your brain’s memory and processing systems. Will this information change the way police use Tasers? Find out!
How To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You
How can you tell if someone is lying to you? The way people act and talk can be dead giveaways that they’re lying straight to your face! Check out this list of signs so you can learn to tell when someone is lying!