Humans are the most self-destructive animals on the planet. We lie, cheat, steal, drink, eat too much — and none of it is good for us. So if we know it’s bad, why do we continue to do it? Science has the answers! Find out some of the most self-destructive human behaviors, and why we do them.
Why You Should Stop Feeling Guilty About Sexting
Sexting, though people might not admit to it, is a totally normal part of growing up. Cell phone technology and sexting only became a possibility in the last few years, but it’s already become a part of teenager’s sexual development. Find out more!
Do YOU Know More About Halloween Than John?
Halloween isn’t just about sexy cops and Ray Rice costumes! Let’s dig deeper into the history of the holiday and its spooky traditions with a quiz put together by Hannah Cranston – and you’ll be competing with TYTU host John Iadarola!
What Would YOU Look Like As An Alcoholic?
Decades of alcoholism take a huge toll on your body and physical appearance. Ever wonder what you would look like as an alcoholic? Website is giving you a peek down that scary path with it’s new tool: Your Face As An Alcoholic.
3 UNBELIEVABLE Halloween Makeup Transformations
Lucia Pittalis is capable of amazing makeup contouring and design – but did you know she can literally look like a different person? Check out these insane Halloween makeup transformations!
7 Questions You Should Ask On A First Date
First dates can be awkward and nerve-racking, especially if you don’t know what to talk about. So how can you avoid that dreaded awkward silence? Before you head out with your new sweetheart-to-be, prepare yourself with these 7 questions you should ask on a first date.
The 5 Worst Halloween Costumes of 2014!
From ebola to Ray Rice, we’ve got the most offensive, racist, or just questionable and awful Halloween costumes of 2014? Is yours on the list? Watch to find out!