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Ebola Quiz – How Much Do You Know?

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Ebola fear is spreading faster than the disease itself. Is all that terror warranted, or is an overreaction and abundance of caution doing more harm than good? Take our quiz about Ebola to see if you know Ebola symptoms, how Ebola is transmitted, which countries are most effected by Ebola, and what your chances are of catching Ebola in America.

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First Dates Tips GIRLS Wish Every GUY Knew!

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

First dates come with a lot of pressure, but we’re here to tell you how to do it right. Hear about John’s best first date ever and what made it so great. Plus Hannah – TYTU’s resident dating expert ;) – talks about the best types of first dates. Guys, tune in, because these tips will help improve your first date success!

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7 Strange And Terrifying Medical Instruments Of The Past

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Medical history can be funny, weird, and even downright scary. The Wellcome Trust (the UK’s largest medical charity) recently made it’s entire collection of images free to everyone. You can now look through hundreds of years of medical innovations and scientific culture. We’ve chosen 7 of the weirdest and most terrifying medical instruments that ever existed!