A micropenis is less than 3 inches long when erect, and can be the result of a few different medical conditions. And even though only 0.6% of the population actually has a micropenis, men around the world are often concerned about their size (the average penis size, by the way, is 5 1/4 inches, erect). So what’s it really like to have a micropenis? John and Bree discuss an interview in NY Mag about a man with a micropenis, and how it’s impacted his life.
5 Ways Negative Thinking Can Be Good For You
Think positively is something we hear constantly as we’re growing up, but what if there are actually advantages to thinking negatively? Books like The Upside of Your Dark Side, The Positive Power of Negative Thinking, and Rethinking Positive Thinking show engaging in “negative” thinking could provide some pretty big benefits. Watch to find out how an occasionally negative attitude can work to your advantage!
John and Hannah’s Most Embarrassing Stories
What’s your most embarrassing story? Here at TYTU we glorify self-deprecation and humiliation, so what better way to bask in all that glory, than share our most embarrassing stories? Get to know us better and laugh with (…or at) us as we reveal some of our secrets.m
How Learning New Words Is Like Sex For Your Brain
Learning new words activates the same regions your brain as sex, gambling and drugs. Let’s celebrate by learning some new words together! Take a look at this study showing how vocabulary affects the brain, plus check out some awesome new works from John and the TYT University crew.
These Photoshopped Disney Princesses Actually Look…Normal?
Disney princesses look nothing like women in real life (duh, they’re cartoons!). But just how unrealistic are they? BuzzFeed’s Loryn Brantz Photoshopped Disney princesses like Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, and even Elsa from Frozen to see what they would look like with “normal” waistlines. Take a look — the results are pretty surprising!
Porn Addiction Has A New, Dopey Enemy
An anti-porn movement is sweeping the country (well, some of it), including American schools. Fight The New Drug is an anti-porn website that says it’s dropping knowledge on the harmful effects of porn.
John and Hannah Read Mean Tweets and Show Why Gossip is GOOD for You!
Gossiping gets a bad rap but new science shows that it can actually be good for your self-esteem. To increase OUR self-esteem, we are sharing some of our favorite cruel tweets and comments, a la Jimmy Kimmel.