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A Unique Way to Grow Your Brain!

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Meditation can actually change the physiology of your brain! We already know that activities like yoga and practicing mindfulness are beneficial to self-awareness and concentration, but what we didn’t know, is that meditation can actually increase the part of your brain that is responsible for emotions and perceptions!

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Killer Whales Can Speak Dolphin?!

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Researchers have shown that Killer Whales are capable of contextual learning and can emulate the clicks and whistles present in dolphin communication! Cetaceans are some of the smartest animals on earth and Free Willy is proving this to us with this new scientific finding. Plus, Hannah gets super excited to talk about her favorite animal…

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How to Deal with Thanksgiving Stress

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Going home for the holidays can be stressful. Dealing with difficult family members, seeing old friends, or meeting a significant other’s parents for the first time, can all cause anxiety. And while we wish we could help you with your crazy aunt, we CAN give you a few ways to deal with holiday angst and make this time of year a little bit easier.