Mars One is holding a reality show-style competition to send the first human ever to Mars! Who has what it takes? Check out the trailer to the reality show that might be shown internationally.
Is Hotness Contagious?
Are perceptions of hotness contagious? Turns out what your friends think about people’s attractiveness affects your evaluation as well.
8 Things People Get WAY Too Offended About!
People get way too offended by little things. We’re checking out AskReddit for some of the top comments about what makes people freak out for no reason.
7 Weird Facts About Blood
Blood keeps you alive, but do you know very much about it? Here are 7 insanely interesting facts about blood we bet you didn’t know.
Colleges Bribe Students To Stay Off Their Phones
Every have those days where you just can’t stay off your phone? Well this might get you to change your mind. Some colleges are bribing students with discounts and even food to get them to stay off their phones in class.
The Scary Truth About Plastic
We dump 8 million tons of plastic into the trash every year, so where does it all go? We have the awful truth about all that plastic and the Pacific Garbage Patch.
Alien “Space Seeds” Sent To Create Life On Earth?!
Aliens might have sent microorganisms to Earth inside tiny metal balls to create life on our planet. Sound crazy? A UK scientist says he’s found proof!