Throughout time, around the world, some pretty weird things have been used to indicate status. John and Hannah discuss.
LGBTQ Teens Have Higher Pregnancy Rates?!
Teens who have sex with the same sex are more likely to get pregnant than their straight counterparts. Why? John and Hannah discuss.
Dear Hannah: How Do I Make New Friends?
We are super excited about our new segment “Dear Hannah…” where YOU have the opportunity to have YOUR stories heard. Please send in your questions and requests to [email protected] with the subject “Dear Hannah.” Can’t wait to hear from you!
Can Air Pollution Make You Dumber?
A new study reveals that air pollution can actually decrease the IQ of NYC minority children.
#CharlieCharlieChallenge & Josh Duggar: What You Need To Know This Week!
#CharlieCharlieChallenge has taken over the internet, and much much more!
7 Best Ways To Hit On Girls!
Hitting on women isn’t always the easiest task, but Hannah and Amiria are going through the best ways to pick up chicks…no matter your style.
Students Forced To Have Vaginal Exams In Class
Female students are suing Valencia College, claiming that they were forced to undergo transvaginal exams in medical class.