If you’re short on sleep, you might want to think twice before hitting the sack with someone. A new study shows that like drinking too much, a lack of sleep can cause you to have sex with someone you normally wouldn’t. Are “sleep goggles” the new “beer goggles?”
Girls In Yoga Pants Are SINNERS!
Yoga pants are a sin, according to this college preacher. And the second sign he’s holding up might be even more ridiculous than the first. Check out this photo of this uptight campus preacher to find out how he really feels about girls in yoga pants.
5 Ways Drones Are Making The World A Better Place
Drones aren’t just for warfare anymore. Now frat guys can hire drones to show off their epic frat parties, complete with hundreds of students, a huge pool and of course, lots of beer. Check out this unusual use for drones, and find out how else drones are becoming a part of our everyday lives.
15 Signs You Might Just Be A Narcissist
Narcissism is more than just being full of yourself. Do you dress well, swear a lot, or love to entertain? Maybe you’re getting a little too big for your britches. Check out these 15 surprising signs you’re a narcissist.
Are Cat People Better Than Dog People?
Dog people and cat people have been at odds for decades. Turns out, there might be good reason behind it! A new study shows there are some major differences between dog and cat people’s personalities.
Graduation Portraits Meet Movie Posters… Hilarity Ensues
We bet these college graduation photos put yours to shame. Students at Shandog University in China are getting creative by recreating famous movie posters instead of taking traditional graduation photos.
How Getting In Your Car Can Kill You, In One Chart
Americans do really dumb things while driving, especially college students and millennials. You might be shocked by the dangers involved in driving, especially after you check out this chart.