SCOTUS sided with Hobby Lobby on birth control, meaning the religiously-owned craft store no longer has to pay for certain forms of birth control, like IUDs and the morning after pill, through its employer health care plan.
Police Bodyslam Female Professor – What Happens Next Is Shocking
A black, female professor was slammed to the ground by ASU police officers, then arrested for assaulting an officer. ASU is claiming police did nothing wrong, but after reviewing the video footage, many think this is another case of police brutality and racism.
How To Take The Perfect Selfie, According to Science
Selfies with way too many hashtags are taking over the Internet, and one social media strategist took it upon himself to decipher them.
Working on YouTube – Advice From Bree Essrig!
Ever wanted to start your own YouTube channel? Or just wonder what it’s like to have one? John Iadarola and Bree Essrig are answering your questions from Twitter and Facebook in this week’s episode of TYTU Viewer Mail!
The Biggest Difference Between Men And Women Isn’t What You Think
The biggest gap between men and women might come down to vocabulary. Many people believe gender influences conversation, and turns out there’s some truth to the stereotype.
League Of Legends Is Now A Varsity Sport?!
League of Legends is now officially a college varsity sport at one Illinois College, and they’re even giving away scholarships to the best players! Find out more about how Robert Morris University is incorporating eSports into its official athletic program.
What Are The Worst College Majors For Getting A Job?
Your college major could be the path to your dream job and your dream salary, but does a higher education always mean a higher paycheck? Here are the top 10 worst college degrees, according to pay scale and unemployment rates, put together by H&R Block.