TYT University – September 4, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern7 Comments

Co-hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson, this episode of TYT University covers topics such as 12 things you definitely DON’T need for college, Arnold Schwarzenegger… Professor? Also, sleep tips for college students, and a surprising use for… semen. Finally, what happens if you make the mistake of telling your significant other you love them… too soon? Take a look!

TYT University – August 28, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern7 Comments

Co-hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson, this episode of TYT University controversial college news from Iran, advice for college girls on what guys WISH they knew, a controversial study on female ogling, and a possible way the hookup culture is making women stronger and more successful than ever. Don’t miss it!

TYT University – August 13, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern4 Comments

Co-hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson, this episode of TYT University covers the tragic fatal shooting in College Station, Texas, College Republicans swinging left on social issues, tips for what NOT to say to women in college, what girls wish they’re boyfriends new, and an extremely controversial scientific study on morning sickness. Don’t miss it!