TYT University – October 30, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern0 Comments

Co-Hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights: the “teacher of the year” is accused of sexual assault, a football player is back on the field after being shot FIVE times, big news on for-profit colleges, Lisa and John discuss the new Bond girl’s college troubles, and more awkward but awesome Halloween costumes, just in time for the holiday!

TYT University – October 23, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern1 Comment

Co-Hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights: the “teacher of the year” is accused of sexual assault, a football player is back on the field after being shot FIVE times, big news on for-profit colleges, Lisa and John discuss the new Bond girl’s college troubles, and more awkward but awesome Halloween costumes, just in time for the holiday!

TYT University – October 16, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern3 Comments

Co-Hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights: an LSU student plots to murder her mother for a 500k inheritance, a “Top 10 Ways to Get Away With Rape” list is posted in a Miami University dorm, dating advice for “nice” guys, more Gangnam style parodies from around the country, and the worst “sexy” costumes for Halloween 2012!

TYT University – September 25, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern7 Comments

Co-Hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights include: a professor courts controversy with an “I will Support Obama” pledge, students becoming egg donors and finding sugar daddies, a Harvard researcher who has found “proof” that Jesus was married, high schools giving out Plan B without parental approval, and a student knocked out… you won’t believe by what!

TYT University – September 18, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern1 Comment

Co-hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights include: a football player booted off the team over a gay kiss, ways 20 somethings RUIN their 20s, study on how sexual arousal helps us get through disgust, a controversial “soda” protest, and college urban legends from around the country.

TYT University – September 11, 2012

In [DEAD] TYT-U, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern0 Comments

Co-Hosted by John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson. Highlights: a Chinese college student beauty contest requiring “perfect, firm breasts,” a student pushing for a white student union, f-buddy warning signs, the most pimped out beer pong tables in the country, Harvard advertises for legal Adderall, and a Republican representative invokes the holocaust when discussing student loans.