The Point – July 17, 2013

In [DEAD] The Point, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar4 Comments

This week on The Point, Ana and the panel discuss the George Zimmerman trial, the verdict, the fallout, and the status of race relations in America today. Where does responsibility lie for the condition of America’s racial divides? Is the disparity the result of existing social problems or is it a matter of personal responsibility? Are crime statistics enough of …

The Point – June 26, 2013

In [DEAD] MemberVideo, [DEAD] The Point, Membership, Network Shows by Lore1 Comment

The whereabouts of Edward Snowden. Is the search for him justified, or seriously hurting the United States’ international relations? Celebrity antics– Amanda Bynes has been all over the news for her strange, mean-spirited behavior with many laughing at her and many others concerned for her mental health. Is this just a causality of child stardom? Kanye West and Kim Kardashian …

The Point – June 19, 2013

In [DEAD] The Point, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar0 Comments

This week on The Point: Blaming societal ills on drugs instead of poverty Republicans are still trying to make it harder for people to vote and Arizona is leading the charge Racist mascots and team names What are the implications of the Trayvon Martin case and trial? Host: Ana Kasparian Panelists: Jody David Armour Aqeela Sherrills Bill Santiago

The Point- June 12, 2013

In [DEAD] The Point, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar0 Comments

This Week on the point: Edward Snowden blows the whistle on NSA domestic surveillance programs Jeremy Irons is a pervy wanker who shouldn’t say anything about anything aside from acting Are we so obsessed with political parties that we support them no matter what they do? The member of Anonymous who played an integral part in solving the Steubenville rape …

The Point – June 5, 2013

In [DEAD] The Point, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar0 Comments

This week on The Point: The departure of Michelle Bachmann A California grocery store chain is offering both leaded and unleaded candy The internet is abuzz over one of New York’s cutest couples Michael Douglass gets cancer from Catherine Zeta-Jones’ vagina Host: Dave Rubin in for Ana Kasparian Panelists: Brett Erlich, Host of The War Room on Current TV Desi …