Pop Trigger – February 25, 2013

In [DEAD] Pop Trigger, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar0 Comments

Was Seth MacFarlane funny or terrible as host of the Oscars? Jennifer Lawrence’s Oscar night More Shia LeBeouf & Alec Baldwin drama! Gallon-smashing: Funny or stupid? A new “spider-sense” suit makes you more like spiderman … kinda sorta The 10 biggest dating mistakes people make on Facebook Host: Sam Schacher Co-Hosts: Bree Essrig Brett Erlich Brett The Intern

Pop Trigger – February 21, 2013

In [DEAD] Pop Trigger, Membership, Network Shows by sobeyar0 Comments

The Brits say that Kristin Stewart is the least sexy actress in Hollywood Khloe Kardashian fired from X-Factor Survivor celebrity edition in the works? Is the secret to Facebook happiness killing friendships? 10 rules for women who are unlucky in love Pop Trigger Q & A time! Host: Sam Schacher Co-Hosts: Bree Essrig Brett Erlich Antoine Dodson