Interview With Member #141 Obi Nwokeji

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in? My age is the same as Cenk, same month…but the 9th. I live in London, England. 2.When did you become a member of TYT? Not entirely sure but I’ve been supporting the network ‎since forever. 3. How do you consume the show? Funnily enough, even though I’m a …

Interview With Member #247 Dave Hueston

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in? I’m 45, originally from NYC but live in Tokyo. 2.When did you become a member of TYT? You actually would have to answer that for me. I believe it was in 2008 or 2009 but gotta check the records on that. 3. How do you consume the show? …

Interview With Member #107 Danijel Cokas

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and where do you live? I’m 28 years old, 29 on Monday, and I live in Germany. Was born in Croatia and lived for about 5 years in Austrailia. 2. When did you become a member of TYT? I think I became a member about 1.5 years ago(When it was announced TYT was getting a …

Interview With Member #119 Robin Hudspeth

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in? 43, Florida 2. When did you become a member of TYT? During the Turk a Thon 3. How do you consume the show? I try to watch life, but most times the live feed is unavailable, so I watch through archives. 4. What field do you work in? …

Interview With Member #153 Ronny Germany

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in? 29 years old, born and raised exclusively in my beloved, but backwards state of Oklahoma. 2. When did you become a member of TYT? It’s been so long, I honestly don’t remember. I know it was before 2009. All I remember are the low definition videos, and seeing …

Interview With Member #217 Charlie Wallace

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1) How old are you and what state do you live in? 64. I live in Texas. 2) When did you become a member of TYT? If memory serves me, in November 2010. I believe I’m member #2320. 3) How do you consume the show? I watch it in the member archives. I watch TYT University, TYT Sports, and Pop …