Cenk, John Iadarola, and Jayar Jackson. Kanye West had tweeted his love for Donald Trump is “unabated” and he and Trump are “dragon’s together”. White House physician Ronny Jackson is denying all allegations against him. He is in a world of trouble however, the White House is standing by him. TYT Investigates breaks the story about Mike Pompeo planning and …
TYT Hour 1 April 24, 2018
Cenk reports on the Toronto massacre. Alek Missaian, he was seeking revenge on average men and woman due to his “In-cel” status. Officials are not calling this an act of racism. Trump tweets to Justin Trudeau on the incident before speaking on the Waffle House incident. Trump’s claims about visits to Russia debunked. Donald Trump’s hand holding fiasco, Melania does …
TYT Hour 1 April 23, 2018
Cenk reports on Donald Trump’s tweet rampage this weekend. Trump is not as rich as he claims to be. Paul Ryan on the added trillion dollar deficits, saying they were going to happen anyway. Terrorist attack in Toronto this morning, police do an outstanding job of apprehending the suspect. Waffle House shooter was mentally unbalanced, and affiliated with a white …
TYT Hour 1 April 20, 2018
Friday’s power panel with Cenk, Ana, and Nomi Prins. Comey memo’s leaked exposing Donald Trump’s lies about not communicating with Putin before his presidency. Wells Fargo slapped with $1 Billion fine due to unfairness leading to repossessions and foreclosures. Wells Fargo has been accused of unfairly charging mortgage rate lock extensions, along with adding insurances onto customers loans without their knowledge. …
TYT Hour 1 April 19, 2018
Cenk, Ted Cruz praises Trump, after Trump accusing Cruz’s father a murder and calling his wife ugly. Cruz is running against Beto O’Rourke, Cenk predicts he will foldin this election once more. CNN reporting that a handful of senators will not support Trump’s bid for a second election. Kris Kobach held in contempt for blocking voter registration. Michael Cohen is …
TYT Hour 1 April 18, 2018
Cenk & Ana. Nikki Haley goes toe to toe with Donald Trump. Cenk and Ana weigh in on her policy approach.Mike Pompeo has visited North Korea and spoken to officials. Trump makes a mistake on twitter. Other world leaders showing Trump “respect” to avoid tariffs and other implications of his temper. House GOP calling on Sessions to prosecute Trump’s foes. …
TYT Hour 1 April 17, 2018
Stormy Daniels reveals a sketch of the person she says accosted her in 2011 in regards to leaving Donald Trump alone. There is a $100K reward, if you find him you can report it to [email protected]. Glen Beck’s site “The Blaze” is in trouble. Justice Democrats are removing skepticism. Sean Hannity speaks on Michael Cohen, says he was never a …