Common Room – October 23, 2012

In [DEAD] Common Room, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern2 Comments

With John Iadarola, Brett Erlich, Chelsey Bex, Arlene Santana, and Kim Horcher. This week the Common Room crew discusses the existence of ghosts, bizarre wedding traditions, g-spot injections, the possibility that PMS is just a myth, and our expectations for the 2012 presidential election! Don’t miss it!

Common Room – October 9, 2012

In [DEAD] Common Room, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern4 Comments

With John Iadarola, Alex Sanborn, Chelsey Bex, Andre Meadows (of BlackNerdComedy fame), Sam Schacher, Brett Erlich, Kim Horcher, and Hermela Aregawi. This week the Common Room crew discusses the rise of cohabitation, the Hulk Hogan sex tape, whether internet addiction actually exists, and if college is a total waste of money! Don’t miss it!

Common Room – September 11, 2012

In [DEAD] Common Room, Membership, Network Shows by glmulhern0 Comments

With John Iadarola, Alex Sanborn, Chelsey Bex, Ivy Joeva, and Hermela Aregawi. This week the Common Room crew discusses a controversial study concerning sex before marriage, the best movie series… EVER, “instaporn,” hate directed at skinny women, and the rise of Honey Boo Boo. What does this mean for America?