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Republican Women Turning On Moore

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Chris Houck0 Comments

Republican women are taking the accusations against Roy Moore seriously. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. “ANNISTON, Alabama—B.L. Shirley is a Republican woman from a Republican county who always—always—votes Republican. And yet, on a windy, grey morning last weekend, the Talladega, Alabama, …

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Thanksgiving In Puerto Rico: Feeding The Hungry

In Rebel HQ On YouTube by Chris Houck1 Comment

  TYT Politics Reporter Nomiki Konst ( spoke with Iva Jozic of Marriott International, who is spearheading the effort to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico. Don’t forget to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below! *** Follow Our Incredible Reporting Team On The Road! Subscribe to TYT Politics on YouTube: Like TYT Politics on …

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Did Trump Screw Up The Turkey Pardon?

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Chris Houck0 Comments

  Trump pardons his first Turkey. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Join TYT: “Continuing a longstanding pre-Thanksgiving White House tradition, President Donald Trump pardoned two turkeys, “Wishbone” and “Drumstick,” during a White House ceremony on Tuesday. Trump took the opportunity to crack some …

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Progressives Coming To Sweep Republicans From Office

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Chris Houck0 Comments

  Republicans better watch out. REAL progressives are coming! Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, introduces you to the newest batch of Justice Democrats. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Support Justice Democrats here: Brent Welder:…, Derrick Crowe: Colin Allred: Jenny Marshall:… Brianna Westbrook:… Here are the …

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Help Hire Wolf-PAC’s Next Director

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Chris Houck0 Comments

  John Shen wants to get money out of politics and he needs your help. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Help us hire John: Hosts: Cenk Uygur Cast: Cenk Uygur *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur …

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Andrew Cuomo Fundraises With NBC, Disney Executives

In Rebel HQ On YouTube by Chris Houck0 Comments

  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was protested last week outside of his Hollywood fundraiser, where he raised money with NBC Universal, Walt Disney, and CBS executives. Don’t forget to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below! *** Follow Our Incredible Reporting Team On The Road! Subscribe to TYT Politics on YouTube: Like TYT Politics on Facebook: …

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Al Franken Faces More Allegations

In Uncategorized by Chris Houck0 Comments

  A second women has come out to accuse Al Franken of sexual assault. Cenk Uygur, the host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Join TYT: “Another woman has come forward with an assault allegation against Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.). Lindsay Menz, 33, told CNN in a report …