TYT – 04.01.13 Hour 1

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Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC spent nearly all of the money raised on consultants instead of candidates, yet at CPAC she railed against the influence of consultants. Some Conservatives were pissed about this revelation.  Georgia GOP Chair speculated that the reason people want gay marriage is to scam the system and get marriage benefits even though they’re straight.  The Southern Baptist President spoke on Conservative radio about how there is a correlation between North Korea’s threats and gay marriage acceptance.  Video of Rep. Matt Salmon pointing out that he’s still against gay marriage despite his gay son.  Republican Jeff Flake came out and said that the next Republican candidate for president will support gay marriage.  The reason he’s so sure is because Flake’s male cousin is dating Rep. Salmon’s gay son.  Bill Kristol is still fighting back vehemently against the acceptance of gay marriage.  He doesn’t know why everyone is listening to some “26 year olds that don’t know anything.”   Kristol predicted that 1993 would be the high water mark for the gay movement and be all downhill from there.

John Brennan, torture, and the promotion of a woman who was responsible for the destruction of the torture tapes as the head of the CIA’s clandestine service.   Brennan created a committee made up of other torture co-signers to confirm her so that it won’t be solely his decision.  After Jim Carrey’s anti-gun video making fun of Charlton Heston, he responded to Fox News railing on him in an open letter.   It has been discovered that Todd Akin and Allen West gave big bonuses to their staff in the last term before leaving office from taxpayer money.  They did this as they were set to leave office after being beaten.


Segment 3

Scary Chart Time!  A new report about how much the planet has warmed has been released in a chart. http://www.vancouverobserver.com/blogs/climatesnapshot/we-just-experienced-4000-years-global-warming-two-decades  Latest poll shows that 58% approve of the Keystone Pipeline.

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