High School Student Fools New York Magazine With Bullsh*t Story

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“The New York Magazine feature on a high school kid who made $72 million trading stocks turned out to be complete bullshit. Now, in an interview with The New York Observer, the featured kid is pointing fingers at the author, who’s defending the piece, arguing people should have realized it was a hoax all along.

The fantastical story revolved around a Stuyvesant High School student named Mohammed Islam, who claimed he had earned around $72 million trading oil and gold after school. The reporter, Jessica Pressler, noted that although “Mo” was “shy” about exactly how much he’d made, he had a lot of money. And, according to a later editor’s note to the article, “Mohammed provided bank statements that showed he is worth eight figures, and he confirmed on the record that he’s worth eight figures.” *

Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) discuss.

*Read more here from http://gawker.com/new-york-magazines-confirmed-teen-millionare-says-he-1671553790

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