Woman Arrested After Dunking Objects In Lava

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

The lava flow currently creeping across Hawaii Island’s Puna region is luring residents to the flow front like moths to a flame.

But while some onlookers sat in lawn chairs outside police-enforced barricades, patiently waiting to see the flow cross the street, Puna resident Ruth Crawford drove to a lobe of the flow to see it firsthand. She and friends allegedly trespassed on county property and dunked a bunch of household objects — like golf clubs, forks, coins and an egg beater — into the lava for fun.
After telling the media about the adventure, Crawford and her friend Stephan Paul Koch were arrested and charged with second-degree criminal trespassing. They were released on $250 bail.

Crawford, who is 59 years old, told HuffPost that she’s embarrassed now and acknowledged that, “We shouldn’t have done it and feel awkward because we got arrested. … It’s really rich to be my age and have my mugshot on the Internet.”


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STORY: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/01/pahoa-lava-trespassers-arrested_n_6085416.html?cps=gravity

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