Man Is Eaten Alive By Big Snake

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

A documentary filmmaker has stirred controversy after announcing his intention to encase himself in a “snake proof suit” and be eaten alive by an anaconda, before forcing the snake to release him. So far, little detail is available. The possibility of a hoax can’t be ruled out, but the event is already arousing debate about how far filmmakers can go to get their story.

Paul Rosolie describes himself as, “a naturalist based out of southern Peru.” His film An Unseen World, (clip below) won the United Nations Forum on Forests short film contest for 2013.
Filmmaking in the Amazon is certainly dangerous, and Rosolie has reported his encounters with jaguars, anacondas and tropical diseases in the book Mother of God: An Extraordinary Journey into the Uncharted Tributaries of the Western Amazon. The title is a translation of Madre de Dios, the name given to the threatened wilderness in which Rosolie works.

However, in a world filled with extraordinary filmmaking, it can be hard to stand out. Animal Planet has already run a story on a filmmaker having a terrifying encounter with an anaconda. To really get attention, Rosolie has announced that he plans to become a modern day Jonah – being swallowed by an anaconda and escaping alive.


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