Extreme Porn Tiger Joke Leaves Man’s Life in Ruins

In The Lip TV on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

A British man was arrested for owning “extreme porn” and charged with possessing bestiality porn after a video showing a woman having sex with a tiger was sent to him as a joke. 51-year-old Andrew Holland was labeled a pedophile, suffered a near-fatal heart attack, faced harassment and six months on bail, lost his job, was forced to leave his hometown and was banned from seeing his young daughter for more than a year, as a result of the charges. The case was finally dropped in December 2009 after investigators realized that the tiger in the footage was actually a man wearing a costume. The investigators made this discovery after listening to the clip again and hearing the man repeating Frosted Flakes’ mascot Tony the Tiger’s famous catchphrase, “They’re grrrrrreat!” We look at the embarrassing mistake, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.


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