Parents Call Cops On Sexting Daughter

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Parents: what gives? When a mom and dad in Dinwiddie County, Va. discovered that their 13-year-old daughter had been sending nude photos of herself to boys on her phone, they decided to take her into the police station with the hopes that it would never happen again.

The Virgina parents claimed that their readiness to turn over their daughter to authorities was out of protectiveness of her. She’d allegedly been sending nude texts back and forth with a number of students at her middle school on both her phone and her tablet. The parents wanted to get investigators involved, even if it meant their daughter could be prosecuted.

Via CBS 6:

“Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find sexual pictures, conversations that were very inappropriate for her age,” she said.

While none of the nude photo’s showed their daughter with anyone else, there were pictures being sent back and forth with other boys.

“Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now,” she said.
There was allegedly conversation between the middle schooler and an area high school senior. Investigators say that the older teens involved could face felony charges.


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