Jimmy Dore – Comedian, Author – “Your Country Is Just Not That Into You”

In [DEAD] TYT Interviews on YouTube, YouTube Posts by Hlarson2 Comments


In this latest terrific interview, hilarious and incisive political comedian Jimmy Dore (http://twitter.com/jimmy_dore) sits down with The Young Turks’ host Cenk Uygur (http://twitter.com/cenkuygur) to discuss politics, the media and how corporations have seized control of them both – all of which Jimmy also covers in his new book, “Your Country Is Just Not That Into You: How the Media, Wall Street, and Both Political Parties Keep on Screwing You – Even After You’ve Moved on.”

Along the way the two also discuss Jimmy’s Chicago upbringing and why, as the 12th of 12 kids in an Irish Catholic family, he was eminently disposable, how ABC newscaster Brian Williams can be a terrific guy and still be a huge part of what’s destroying the country, and why on earth someone making $50,000 a year would ever care about the estate tax.

Buy Jimmy’s book!

Amazon link: http://ow.ly/AdJBS
Powell’s link: http://ow.ly/AdJIs

Visit his website! http://www.jimmydorecomedy.com

Follow him on Twitter! http://twitter.com/jimmy_dore



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