Creationists: God Exists, Because Cows Exist

In Secular Talk on YouTube by Hlarson5 Comments

In the latest version of “Checkmate, atheists!”, the Christian internet world is having a field day with a picture that features a cow who’s spots look like a map of the world. Somehow it is implied that this proves that evolution is a lie and “Darwinists” should feel pretty stupid.

Under the very excellent title “Don’t Have a Cow, Man!,” website Creation Moments posted a little story about a special cow that has an exact rendition of a map of the world in its spots…

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Clip from the Wednesday, August 6th 2014 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday – friday 4-6pm Eastern.

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  1. I don’t understand why so many people don’t understand what the creationists are saying. It is a stupid point, based on fallacies, and ignorance, but they are in no way implying that the photo is real, or that the cow really looks like that.

    The stupid point the creationists are trying to make, is that complex things don’t ever occur naturally, that every complex thing in existence is designed, and that the only reason we can tell that the image is photoshopped, is because a complex map of the earth is too complicated to have occurred randomly. They think that this is the height of logic, and that scientists are blind, for not seeing that this is also true of life.

    This is a common argument from people who don’t know, and have never tried to learn anything about evolution. They actually think that evolution means complex things popping into existence by random chance, like throwing a million piece jigsaw puzzle in a box, shaking it around, and opening the box to find it perfectly assembled. This misconception could be cleared up in ten minutes if they opened a book and tried to learn something about the process of natural selection, and what evolution actually means, but unfortunately there’s only one book they care about.

  2. Yes, it’s 100% real, because God “obviously” feels that the Mercator projection most accurately depicts Earth on one side of a cow’s belly.

  3. This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

    But seriously. The point could have been made after 3 or 4 minutes. This video is 9 minutes long!

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