Most US Firefighters Are Obese. Does This Concern You?

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“The need for firefighters to be fit seems obvious: A fire ax weighs around 20 pounds, and an oxygen tank can be up to 50. Throw in the big boots, jacket, unruly fire hoses and challenging emergencies, and you’d expect most firefighters to be in peak physical condition.

You’d be wrong. More than 70% of domestic firefighters are overweight or obese, a rate slightly higher than the general population, according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“It’s tough. Firefighters are humans too. And just like the American public is having a hard time battling obesity and being overweight, firefighters are having the same troubles,” said Dr. Sue Day, author of the CDC report and an associate professor of epidemiology atthe University of Texas School of Public Health.” *

Cenk Uygur ( and Ana Kasparian ( break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from


  1. As a full time firefighter in my mid-30s, I take great lengths to stay as fit as I can. Believe me, us within the service are VERY aware of this and most of the departments in the area I work are taking active measures to not only prevent this but to remedy the problem. Our profession is dangerous enough without the added burden of not being in shape and being over weight. There’s a reason that most firefighter deaths are cardiovascular in nature and not traumatic. Those of us that take care of ourselves are almost disgusted in those that don’t.

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