When you buy a car, you probably want it to look good, but certain colors might make it more or less likely that your car will get stolen. Chiefly, attention-grabbing colors can deter thieves.
You don’t have to paint your car to look like a cat or something ridiculous, but opting for a yellow, green, and especially pink car can greatly reduce the risk of a thief stealing your car, versus a black, blue, or silver car. The reason? The more “normal” colors sell better. And no car thief wants to be seen cruising around in a stolen pink sedan. As research site Vox explains:
In line with the above prediction, the three most common colours — black, blue, and silver/grey — are stolen more frequently than the uncommon colours. Pink is the perfect deterrent: none of the 109 pink cars (aged up to three years) have been stolen over the last few years.
Of course, there’s more to consider than theft when picking the color of your car. You may not have much of a choice when car shopping. A brightly colored car may not be in line with your personal preferences (social stigmas, whether justified or not, don’t just affect car thieves), but if you have the option, a less typical and more attention-grabbing color may help keep you out of a car thief’s crosshairs.
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Story: http://lifehacker.com/avoid-getting-your-car-stolen-with-an-attention-grabbin-1601288271