Complete Election Coverage: May 8, 2018

In Special Events by Zoe J6 Comments

Cenk, John Iadarola, and Alison Hartson cover primaries in Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia.


  1. Hey Man they did report this go back and watch….they mentioned they were doing the same thing Hillarys campaign did with trump

    1. Do you have a link or a date ? They did May 4th and 7th segments – no mention of this. Dan Rather did one on 3rd, one of his exhibits even carried a reference of Democratic PAC spending but he didn’t go into the issue. April 24th Arizona primary coverage had an interview of Paula Jean Swearingen, nothing there either.
      If it’s something like a passing mention in the middle of a segment, it’s even worse – that would mean they knew it and accepted it as not a big deal (which I find hard to believe).

  2. Reposting, since this is the main link.

    So you have been talking about Blankenship for a couple of days now.
    NO mention a that he was being propped up by a super PAC for Senate Democrats. The PAC titled Duty and Country spent ~ 2million dollars to prop up Don Blankenship, convicted coal baron and racist Republican shockjock. This is where Democratic establishment’s calories are going, and they are putting the country at risk for their political games:

    You didn’t have a DAMN CLUE this was happening did you ?
    John Iadarola loves spending segments blaming “protest” and third party votes for Trump. It is demonstrably, mathematically counterfactual, but I guess John enjoys his one core American value of being bad at math. But how about enough competence to keep track of a news as important as this in probably the most important Justice Democrat race in the country ? NO. TYT and competence don’t go together at any level. This is from 3.5 weeks ago, available on the net. You could have raised hell with this in Democratic circles.

    I know this will fall on deaf ears too – but you should keep your eyes and ears open for where a little known Neo-Nazi like Patrick Little is getting his voter recognition from. Whose money is behind this.
    That is assuming you care.

  3. Next time, Cenk needs to hire a professional campaign manager. Hartson’s campaign has been an amateurish debacle. Six wasted months. Cenk has only himself to blame for her poor showing.

    The decision for Alison Hartson to be a NO SHOW at the CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION in February was a stupid unforced error. Way to announce “I am not a real candidate.”

    I donated to Hartson the day she announced but last month I cancelled my monthly recurring contribution to her.

    On June 5, I will vote for Kevin De Leon, the only one who can defeat Feinstein.

    If everyone who wants to retire Feinstein votes for KDL on June 5, he will make it to the run-off and then we have a real horse race.

    Otherwise, it will be Feinstein vs. Nazi and then Feinstein wins. (I will bet any amount of money that the Dem establishment is secretly financing the Nazi, for this very reason.)

    1. Deb-n-NCAL, the way to finding out how Patrick Little is getting this much name recognition would be to track down ads and mailers favoring him. They will contain whereabouts of who is spreading the word on the airwaves. If you find a local tv ad or a mailer for him, kindly do so.
      With Blankenship, basically when the ads and mailers from the Democratic group started going around, the SuperPAC’s identity was traced. A simple search on Open Secrets wouldn’t have done it, because these were listed as spending against his opponents, not in favor of him.
      This is what drives me NUTS about all of this. You know who knew about this ? Jordan Chariton. Between travelling down to Roanoke Virginia to cover pipeline protests on his shoestring patreon setup by a few of us, he was looking into this, and it’s from his coverage I knew. Here’s a detailed discussion, among other topics.

      TYT is closing on 4 million subscribed viewers, if they are going to miss facts like the Democratic establishment is toying with propping up dangerous, criminally fascist candidates for political games, WHAT GOOD are they as alternative media ?!!
      This came out 3 weeks before WV, it should have been running NONSTOP on the internet this 3 weeks leading
      to Joe Manchin’s race and EVERY gooddamn Dem Senator should have been asked to condemn this. The Democratic establishment should have been against the ropes over this.

      You cannot pressure the Democratic establishment to treat your candidates with fairness. You can’t get the Democratic establishment on the ropes when they are doing criminally dangerous things. And you talk about taking over the Democratic Party. That sure makes a lot of sense.
      Do your JOB with competence first before setting out to save the world.

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