Catfish Scheme Catches Teen Plotting Murder

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“A 19-year-old is in the Tuscaloosa County Jail after asking a fictional stranger to shoot and kill her family…

According to the deposition, Williams’ aunt decided to create a Facebook profile for a fictional man that she named Tre ‘Topdog’ Ellis so that she could add Williams as a friend and chat with her. The woman hoped for a rare glimpse into her niece’s online activity and for an opportunity to teach Williams about the dangers of interacting with strangers online.

The experiment soured quickly. According to court documents, Williams began unknowingly talking to her aunt, posing as Ellis, in late May, and on the first day they interacted online, she gave the fictional boy her phone number and home address and asked him to come over and get drunk with her. She then offered to have sex with him if he’d pay her $50 cell phone bill.

Days later, Williams allegedly told the man she knew as Ellis that her family made her angry and that she wanted to get out of Alabama. She then asked the man she’d never met to come kidnap her and take her away from her family. According to the deposition, Williams told ‘Tre’ to shoot and kill her aunt if she tried to stop him..”

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Cenk Uygur ( and Gina Grad ( break down this story. Have you ever pretended you were someone else online? What should her punishment be? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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