Cheese Rind Broth Sounds Disgusting To Me

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

The next time you finish off a wedge of cheese and you’re left with the rind, don’t toss it out. We’ve mentioned how great it can be in soups and stews, but if you have a few left over, they make a great broth. When you’re done, you’ll have a perfect base for soup, for pasta or risotto, braising meats, and more.P

Save the Rind from Good Parmesan Cheese for a Flavor Boost in Soups and a Soft, Spreadable Side
A good wedge or block of Parmesan can be pricey, but there’s no substituting it when it comes…
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Our friends over at Food 52 pointed this one out to us. Their recipe is specifically for a parmesan broth, that uses two or three rinds from a nice wedge of parm, but they also note that you shouldn’t hesitate to use the end bits from other kinds of cheeses too. Whatever you like works, although preferably firmer cheeses are in order, so cheddar, pecorino, asiago, and dry jack all work well.P

They explain that those firm cheese rinds pack a ton of flavor that you don’t want to just throw away:P

But those rinds have a huge amount of flavor tucked inside their hard, nubbly skin, and deserve to be at the forefront of your soups, your stews — and your stock. If you’re treating yourself to the good stuff — and you should be — turning your Parmesan rinds into a rich, cheesy broth is the best way to get the most bang out of your aged, funky, Italian buck.P
All you need is about a cup of cheese rinds. Make sure they’re clean and rinsed off, then toss them into a pot. Cover them with about eight cups of water, and bring it to a boil. Simmer for an hour or two, and you’re done—cook longer to get the level of rich flavor you really want. They even note you can toss in some broth-friendly veggies too if you like, but you don’t have to. When you’re done, let it cool and store it in the fridge for a few weeks, or the freezer for a few months. You can use your new cheese broth in place of chicken or vegetable broth just about anywhere, like in a soup recipe, when you’re making risotto or rice, in a pot of beans, to deglaze a pan, and more.P

Hit the link below for more photos, and a few additional suggestions for where you can use your new trash-to-treasure broth.P

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