“Jody Hice, a Baptist preacher and radio host who’s one of several hard-right candidates running for Paul Broun’s (R-GA) congressional seat, recently sounded off on same sex marriage on The Jody Hice Show. Hice argued that government allowed gay people to marry, just to people of the other gender, and that having a same-sex couple as parents was as damaging to a child as losing a parent in a car accident.
Arguing that the “combined effects of redefining marriage as a whole” would have “drastic, irretrievably consequences, both for the future of marriage, and the future of family, and the future of child raising in America,” Hice warned of the awful ramifications of ignoring gender in parenting roles. “* The Young Turks hosts Ben Mankiewicz and John Iadarola break it down.
*Read more here from Even McMurry / Mediaite: