“The Senate will vote this year on a constitutional amendment that would allow Congress and the states to regulate the nation’s campaign finance laws.”
SUPPORT the 28th Amendment to #GetMoneyOut http://www.wolf-pac.com/petition?=tyt13gmo.
“A roll call on the constitutional amendment, written by Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), is a direct response to recent Supreme Court rulings seen by Democrats as injecting a new flow of “dark money” into the world of politics. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is expected to formally announce the vote at a Rules Committee hearing on campaign finance reform Wednesday morning that will feature testimony from former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.”
John Iadarola, Ana Kasparian and Jayar Jackson of The Young Turks dive into the details of this legislation. Join the fight at http://www.wolf-pac.com