“Well, just when you think you’ve seen it all, the Internet delivers another surprise. Jared Michael, the viral video star I suspected of pranking us, appeared on the syndicated news show Right This Minute last night and promised that the video was “100-percent real.” (Although, in skeptics’ defense, Michael also said “It certainly looks fake. I totally understand why people think it is.”)
Michael was, as many a kind, globe-trotting reader emailed me last night, near the tracks of Peru Rail, which runs from Cusco and a few smaller destinations to Macchu Picchu. That goes a long way toward explaining why he mysteriously wasn’t hurt. A lot of tourists walk the route instead of taking the train, which means the tracks are often crowded with people.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
*Read more here from Caitlin Dewey / Washington Post:
The conductor actually saved his life. Completely justified http://i.imgur.com/ixkmQ7G.jpg
Here is what was going through the conductors head. If i pull the emergency break and this kid doesn’t move i stopped the train for no reason. If I don;t stop the train and he does move 2 inches I’ll kill him! I would have kicked this kid silly also… good job!