Scientists Say Video Games Can Make You Racist

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson4 Comments


Video games could make your racist, according to a new study from Ohio State University. Find out more! Tweet:

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  3. “For Caucasian college students?” So white people’s brains are more susceptible to prejudices that are shown to them? This study seems incredibly stupid.

    I’m reading the linked news stories. Basically white people from Ohio played as black characters, and that’s what made them racist? Or it could be they were racist before hand.

    “The media has the power to perpetuate the stereotype that blacks are violent, and this is certainly seen in video games,” Bushman told The Daily Mail. “This violent stereotype may be more prevalent in video games than in any other form of media because being a black character in a video game is almost synonymous with being a violent character.”

    What? Then why are the vast majority of main characters white with short hair and scruff? You can google that image, it’s almost a meme now.

    “Participants were also tested on a seemingly unrelated food preferences test in which they tested hot sauce, and then were asked how much another person would like the spicy food.”

    Ummm, and where in the WWE or Fight Night did it say anything about this? I’m sure this was the player’s own thoughts BEFORE the game. And you seriously think 20 minutes of playing a game is enough to turn a person’s thoughts into prejudice ones?

    “Police are portrayed as brutal. Players witnessing or enacting these violent actions may develop a distrust of police,” write the researchers. “Other violent games portray women in a sexualized and stereotypic way”

    Police ARE brutal. People in college may know this by now after all those protests college students attempted on campus. I do admit women are sexualized in video games, but does that really mean people who see sexualized women in any form of media (because it’s more than just video games) would equate that to the real world? Men want to sexualize women because we’re men. We don’t need media telling us otherwise.

    That’s all I have to say for now. This is coming from a person who works with video games, so you may say I’m biased even though I hate people who are prejudice towards any group. I’m a freelancer at and a lead editor at an upcoming gaming website,

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