*For the first time, the Washington Post-ABC News poll has found more Americans support Obamacare than oppose it. The poll, released Monday, the law’s enrollment deadline, found 49 percent of Americans support the law and 48 percent oppose it. It was the first time, dating back to August 2009, that support outweighed opposition in the poll…* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here from Dylan Scott at TPM: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/washpo-abc-news-obamacare-poll-march-31
I support “Obamacare” since it was the only way we could get health insurance for my wife. I am a proud person but will admit we are subsidized and the premiums for her health care are only $55.00 a month. That is a necessity since our income is above the 133% of the Federal Poverty Level, but not by that much and we are on a fixed income. The deductible on the insurance is $5300.00 and they only cover 60% after that, but it is better than not having insurance. I guess we will still be bankrupt if anything serious happens.