Obama To Biden: I Choose… Hillary!

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson1 Comment


“Vice-President Joe Biden is running for President in 2016. That is, he’s thinking about it seriously. That is, he’s not going to let Hillary Clinton, her fearsome political machine, or Jim Messina, his boss’s former campaign manager, make his decision for him. That is, he considers himself more than a match for Hillary, but he’s not oblivious to the polls showing her way, way ahead of him. That is, what the heck, he’s seventy-one, he’s still full of energy, he’s served President Obama loyally, he loves the game, and he thinks—pundits and pollsters be damned—that this might be the moment for an old-school, shit-kicking, hand-grasping, mouth-running, stick-up-for-the-working-stiff pol like himself.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from John Cassidy / New Yorker:


  1. It is truly unfortunate that the Democratic corporatists are clearing the decks before people have a chance to speak. Once Hillary is annointed we will take a closer look at her candidacy. She has no foreign policy successes to her name; no major legislative accomplishments and the people she surrounded herself with in 2008 are definitely not going to support efforts to restore the middle class. Hillary would be the president of Wall St. kleptocracy if she is able to pull the wool over enough peoples eyes. I’d much prefer to see Joe Biden run with Elizabeth Warren.

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