Detroit Gives Oil Co HUGE Tax Break

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


“In an attempt to get more people hired in Detroit, the city decided to award a $175 million tax break to Marathon Petroleum as it underwent a “massive expansion project.” This should have been enough to get a significant number of people hired, but today the City Council blasted the refinery for using all that money to hire just 15 Detroit residents.

(We’re pretty sure that each resident did not receive a $11.6 million salary, or anything close to that amount.)

According to the Detroit Free Press, Marathon Petroleum has 514 employees, hiring an additional 194 people ever since the $2.2 billion expansion began in 2007. Out of those employees, however, only 30 of them are from Detroit, and 15 of those employees were hired in the expansion, which the City Council find ludicrous.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Tina Nguyen / Mediaite:

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