Disastrous Developments In Ukraine

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson1 Comment



*Waving the Russian flag and chanting “Russia! Russia!”, protesters in Crimea have become the last major bastion of resistance to Ukraine’s new rulers. In the region’s capital, dozens of armed men seized the parliament building and raised the same flag. President Viktor Yanukovich’s overthrow on Saturday has been accepted across the vast country, even in his power base in the Russian-speaking regions of eastern Ukraine. But Crimea, a Black Sea peninsula attached to the rest of Ukraine by just a narrow strip of land, is alone so far in challenging the new order. As the only Ukrainian region with an ethnic Russian majority, and a home to Russia’s Black Sea fleet, the strategically important territory is also now the focus of a battle between Russia and the West over the future of Ukraine…* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Alessandra Prentice / Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/27/ukraine-crisis-crimea-idUSL6N0LW3MJ20140227


  1. Ever hear of the Crimean War? The Turks aligned themselves with the Ottoman EMPIRE against Russia. Is UR own ethnic heritage showing here guys? I don’t see this as a bad thing. Russia is the only bastion left against the spread of Fascism in the EU, just as it was before WW II. The EU pressed this by forcing Ukraine to choose between EU and Russia. Russia will NEVER give up the Black Sea seaport. If you knew about the Crimean War, you’d know why this is true. SE Ukraine is pro-Russia, while NW Ukraine is full of Fascists that favor importing EU Fascism again. Russia is NOT the bad guy here. What would ‘murka do if this kind of provocation happened in Mexico on our border? This reminds me of missiles in Europe pointed at Russia near their borders which led directly to the Cuban Missile Crisis as tit for tat. Of course Russia will go into Crimea if their bases are threatened by this fake revolution aka Fascist coup.

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