You’re A Terrible Human Being If You Think This Man Is Right

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson2 Comments



*The murder of 17-year-old Jordan Davis has often compared with the killing of Trayvon Martin and, on Tuesday, another similarity between the two cases may have popped up.

Just as acquitted Martin killer George Zimmerman recently told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that he was the victim, a newly-released phone call between Davis’ accused killer Michael Dunn and his fiancĂ©e Rhonda Rouer shows the former proclaiming: “I’m the fucking victim here, I was the one who was victimized,” adding, “I’m the victor, but I was the victim too.” In the newly-released call, recorded a month after his arrest, Dunn continued…* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Tommy Christopher / Mediaite:


  1. Hello TYT. I do not agree with this guy. Regarding thugs roving the streets playing window-rattling so-called music. I wish more cities had noise ordinances in place that they actually enforce. Regardless where a person lives, these rude people with loud music coming from their cars are intolerable–the noise is an invasion of a person’s home, and yes can be victimizing and dangerous. I can recall an incident one evening where some thoughtless person drove by the house with music thumping so loudly, it terrified my 5 year old granddaughter out of sleep in the middle of the night. She was shaking violently and had to be held for an hour, consoled back to sleep. She awoke in a terror, crying, convinced there had been an earthquake fearing for her little life. This happened daily and awoke both my granddaughters often–frequently frightening them and at the very least disrupting their rest. My daughter was very angry and became fed up–eventually they moved to a different area. For people who live in specific neighborhoods in cities where this is tolerated, it is a constant barrage of overwhelmingly loud noise day and night that vibrates walls and windows and disrupts life and sleep. No one deserves to be killed for being rude and loud and people deserve to have a level of comfort and safety in their own homes without this invasion of ear space that is so disruptive and offensive. More widespread noise ordinances are a good solution. If you had to live where punks in cars are continually driving by and disturbing your family’s peace and rest, you would grow fed up very quickly.

    1. That’s this biggest worry you have is loud music ?? …. Really unhappy ppl and old ppl always have a old vs young mentality. While I don’t really like chief keef, drake, and new rap i don’t hold it against ppl that do. When I read your comment it just screams ” I’m old, and out of touch with ppl so it scares me, ” that, and your grand kids are sheltered. Maybe coddled a bit too much. I would assume there is a touch of your scared of black ppl especially young black ppl. Hey and maybe u should be in some instances.

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