Fire Water Unleashed By Police To Quell Protests In Turkey

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson1 Comment



“Turkish riot police have fired tear gas and water cannons at nearly 2,000 protesters demonstrating against a bill tightening control of the Internet as well as demanding the release of army officers jailed for plotting a coup. The Internet control protests come after the parliament passed the bill, enabling authorities to block web pages deemed insulting or as invading privacy. The move led Turkey’s opposition and several rights groups to urge Turkish President Abdullah Gul not to approve the bill Gul has 15 days to sign the the bill before it comes into force. Defenders of the law, including Erdogan, say the new restrictions protect individual rights while critics argue they amount to nothing more than a fresh assault on freedom of expression. The protesters were also demanding the release of army officers accused of attempting a coup…”.* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Al-Jazeera:


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

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  1. Some of the reporters and well-known journalists are getting warnings just because they pointed out their ideas about the PM’s actions. This is ridiculous from top to the bottom. Government is altering the law to make their actions “fair.”
    And I’m not even gonna start to explain those corrupted corruption cases that some of the minister’s sons got involved. Even the PM’s son is in.
    But all these protests, corruption cases and other things that you’ve might heard are a result of Gulen’s actions. He actually turned the PM’s plans upside down. He started the fire and our people caught in the middle.

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