“The two least “Bible-minded” cities in the United States are the adjacent metros of Providence, R.I., and New Bedford, Mass., according to a study out Wednesday from the American Bible Society.
The study defines “Bible-mindedness” as a combination of how often respondents read the Bible and how accurate they think the Bible is. “Respondents who report reading the bible within the past seven days and who agree strongly in the accuracy of the Bible are classified as ‘Bible Minded,'” says the study’s methodology.
Christian missionaries can apparently steer clear of Tennessee, as the report suggests the state is the most devout in the union. Chattanooga was found to be the most Bible-minded city in America, a title it won from last year’s victor, Knoxville.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola break it down.
*Read more here from Denver Nicks / Time:
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We’ve all seen that the Pew research. Atheists are very “Bible-minded.” They understand the Bible better than those who claim to.