Dinesh D’Souza indicted for campaign finance fraud, and faces a maximum of 7 years in prison. Clip of Dinesh at CPAC 2012, and with Cenk at Current TV. Clip of Andrew Cuomo saying extreme conservatives have no place in New York. Sean Hannity is butthurt by the comments, and says he will leave New York. Clip of Hannity being asked if he will leave New York, and says he will as soon as his son graduates high school. James O’Keefe is also butthurt, and says he will also leave New York. Mike Huckabee doubles down on his “uncle sugar” comments about women and birth control. He says the outrage is caused by “card-carrying Liberals”. Reince Preibus and Rick Santorum do not have Huckabee’s back.
New legislation that is trying to limit tax evasion called FATCA. Republicans are trying to repeal this. Some KKK members have been indicted for conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction – an invisible x-ray cannon to target Muslims. Koch brothers are ramping up for the 2016 election.
California has been trying to push a technology that makes guns “microstamps” on every bullet fired. Gunmakers, however, have been opposed, while lawmakers support it. Cenk does a lightning round.