John Iadarola and Ben hosting. President Obama made a speech today about the reforms he’s planning for the NSA in the wake of the distaste of the program after Edward Snowden’s revelations. Talk about how weak or strong his proposals are. Glenn Greenwald was very critical of the speech, not believing that things will actually change. Many members of the intelligence community have such disdain for Snowden, and several openly told Buzzfeed that they’d like to kill him. The chemical makeup of the substance being used for fracking in North Carolina does not have to be revealed to the public. A 15 person panel that decided this is made up of people appointed by fracking companies with a financial interest in keeping these chemicals secret.
Sen Bernie Sanders took the Waltons of WalMart to task over them being the wealthiest family in the country while paying their employees so badly that they need to obtain tons of government support just to survive. Video of Bill O’Reilly arguing with James Carville over the Senate Benghazi report, claiming that he simply doesn’t care what the report says in debunking Republicans’ claims on the attack. A court in PA struck down the attempt to restrict voters by forcing them to have voter ID. This tactic would disenfranchise the poor and minorities.
Duck Dynasty premiered their new season, and the ratings dropped significantly, potentially due to the controversy around the anti-gay comments.
Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: